No content warning i think

Age: 22-23 years

Race/Species: African American Human

Sex and Gender: Cisgender Female

Angeline is a 23 year old woman who lives with her adopted daughter/niece Bianca. She works as an accountant. She has more money than the people around her, and makes sure they know it. She loves to shop, go to the club, and host parties at her house. She's extremely outgoing and can be fun to be around if she likes you. Angeline is a bit of a megalomaniac and uses the people around her in order to get what she wants, which is usually money or expensive items. If you ignore all of her flaws, Angeline is a very intellgent and strong woman driven by pure ambition, which is admired by her daughter and many of the neighbors.



Angeline has a boyfriend named James that she met once her and Bianca moved to Belmont. She didn't really like him that much upon meeting him, but she somehow fell for him after 1 week which is insane. The thing that attracted her to James most was his pathetic, desperate behavior and his "cute, squishy, ugly face." It is rumored by the people she talks with that Angeline purposefully goes after these kinds of men in order to persuade them into giving her money easier, which is partially true because she tried to get James to steal 50 dollars from his mom for her once, but she does this with pretty much everyone she meets. For more information on her and her boyfriend, go to this page because this is her own page and i can't write all of that here.
Bianca is her biological niece and adoptive daughter. I have not thought too much about their relationship but based on what I have so far, Angeline tries her best to make sure that she is taken care of, although she is a little absent in her life due to her (well hidden) affair with a stud across the road from James' mother's house. Because of her slight absence from Bianca's life, she is unaware of Bianca's current struggles which has severely impacted Bianca, mainly because she is very young. For more information, go to Bianca's page.